عن الشركة

About Company


Dotra is honored to be one of the leading companies in the field of providing agricultural production requirements, agricultural fertilizers and pesticides. Since its establishment in 2002, thanks to its partnership with the largest companies in the world in this field, its goal is to maintain the best quality, which provides the opportunity for Egyptian agricultural crops to compete with their counterparts in the global markets.
The company started in 2010 to open its own factory in Fayoum (DOTRA for chemicals) and process with the best production lines for the production of fertilizers, pesticides, public health pesticides and agriculture to meet all needs of local and imported market.

عن مصنعنا

Our Factory

بدأت الشركة في عام 2010 بالحصول علي الموافقات اللازمة والنهائية لإنشاء مصنعها الجديد[ دوترا للكيماويات] بمنطقة كوم اوشيم بمحافظة الفيوم و تجهيزه بأفضل خطوط الإنتاج للأسمدة السائلة والمركبة ،والعناصر الصغري ،و مبيدات الصحة العامة والزراعية وذلك للإلمام بجميع احتياجات السوق من الأسمدة والمبيدات التي تتميز بالكفـاءة العالية وأفضل الخامات.



Objective of company that produce and provide most of needs of the agricultural market of Egypt and the Arab that not only and find solutions normal in the face of the problems facing those involved in the this area In order to maintain the best quality, the company is also proud of the confidence of Egyptian farmers and farmers in the field of scheduling agricultural crops and strengthening agricultural systems, as well as supporting Egyptian farms with technical consultations and services provided through seminars and visits by specialists in all agricultural fields


Our Mission

نسعى دائما إلى خدمه المزارع المصرى وتوفير منتجات بجوده عالميه وأسعار تنافسية


Our Vision

نسعى لتقديم خدمات متميزه لإقامة شراكة قوية مع عملائنا تستمر لفترات طويلة